Thursday, September 17, 2015

Looking Out My Backdoor

Monday I was reminded of the song sung by Creedence Clearwater Revival, "Looking Out My Back Door".  "Look at all the happy creatures dancing on the lawn."  This is what I saw out my back door:

That is a llama.  I kid you not.  It stood there for several minutes in the middle of the bean field, then walked back into the woods.  I called the Sheriff's Dept, but there was no report of a missing llama. Then I called my neighbor who flies an Ultralight.  Since he flies over all our properties, he knew which neighbor it belonged to.  Have not seen it since so I hope it found its way back home.

Gerry and I are taking a ten week class on writing our autobiography.  Our assignment this week was to make a time line of our lives, specifically showing what the teacher calls "Branches.  That is an event in your life that caused a transition in your life, positive or negative.  Re-reading  old Christmas letters for the past 45 years helped us with that. Then we each are to write a 2 page essay on one of the branches.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Shoes, brownies

As I mentioned in the previous post, I decided to go hiking.  When I arrived at the park to join the group, my shoes felt weird.  The soles came off of both of them. Don't know if it was just dry rot or the glue fatigued.  I finished the hike without the soles, but it was quite slippery on wet surfaces.  The shoes fit so well, that I am going to take them to a shoe repair shop to see if they can be repaired.  

That being said, it was a lovely hike in one of our local County Parks.  Next time I will bring my camera.  And hike alone.  You cannot stop to take pictures when with a group.

My garden is producing zucchini at this time, so I am looking for recipes to use them.  I really hate throwing extra into the compost.

The results are two loaves of zucchini bread and zucchini brownies.  Yes, brownies.  They have no eggs so are more gooey that cake like. The flavor is a bit different, but I am planning to frost them with chocolate frosting, which should cover up any unusual flavor.  Am invited to a pot luck Monday with the m/c group.  I won't tell them what is in the brownies until they taste it.  :)   Unless they read my blog.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

GOOGLE told me Happy Birthday

OK, this is just spooky! This morning when I went to the home page of my gmail, there were several cakes with candles in the GOOGLE shape. When I put the cursor over them, it said,  "Happy Birthday, Bernice".

Hubby is in Colorado riding his motorcycle in the mountains.  He called this morning and put the phone on speaker and all of his buddies sang Happy Birthday to me.  I  have had several phone calls with birthday wishes and my book club members sang to me to.  So it has been a great day.

I usually go to a Senior Stretch exercise class every Monday and Wednesday.  Today I tried a water exercise class in a pool at a motel.  I found that doing the exercises in the water was actually easier and not as challenging.  Our county park offers hiking, which I am going to try.  It may be a well rounded exercise regime in the end.  Guess I am on an exercise kick now.