Thursday, January 14, 2010

A fresh start

I have conducted the final sweep for decorations around the house. Everything is boxed up except the lights on the front porch (waiting for warmer weather to take them down)

and this vignette that I put in the area above the front door (need a tall ladder and someone to steady it). For those of you who have been listening to me grouse about the stuffed animals that Gerry had up there, I have several items to replace them when the current things come down. I will post pictures when that is completed.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the new vignette!

stef said...

The Xmas one was very cute, looking forward to the new one!

small home plans said...

I can't wait to see it! I am looking forward on it!

Gill - UK said...

The return of photographs is very welcome - have you been given a new camera?