Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Joined a book club and rec center

I know you cannot be just a little bit pregnant, but can you have just a little bit of the flu? For three days I just do not enjoy food. Sometimes I enjoy what I am eating, but don't feel so hot an hour afterwards. Go figure. So much for the complaining. In the whole scheme of things I am in great health.

This week I read the book, "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. The help are the black maids who worked for white families in Jackson, Mississippi in 1964. The novel is written as if the maids are telling the story. Good read. I will be discussing it with a book club I am joining. Joining the book club is one of the goals I set for myself on my "retreat". Another goal was to get more exercise so today I also joined a Recreation Center. My health insurance actually pays for the membership fee so there is no excuse! I guess they want me to stay healthy.


Gill - UK said...

I remember listening to this book last summer - it was a riveting listen. It is a good choice of book for discussion.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear about the other books that you will be reading too.

alexis said...

I actually like the freedom of choosing my own books but I do miss the conversation!

Greta Springett said...

Think of all the nice people you'll meet at the book club - and the rec center! Sounds like lots of fun.

de-I said...

Is the recreation center the same as a gym?

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