Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Have paint

The Master Bedroom and bath project is moving forward slowly but surely. Yesterday I spent $350 on paint. This did include primer for the basement walls. Today I am shopping for the light fixtures so Gerry can have the electrical in and the walls repaired ready for me to start painting. I will post pictures of the progress. I am hoping to have the painting finished by the end of May. There will be a week trip to Minnesota during that time. I have had only one person volunteer to help with the painting. Thanks Stacey.


alexis said...

how exciting - sorry I can't help paint :) but I am looking forward to following the progress!

de-I said...

You must of snuck out during the night to surreptitiously by that many dollars of paint without DH trying to have you by used paint for a fraction of that cost :)