Friday, January 14, 2011

Soup and Wine

Today our women's club (of which I am President) had their annual soup and wine luncheon. Twenty-seven attended. We had five soups, great bread, dessert and of course wine. The Chicken Tortilla soup I made was a hit.

The lady who hosted had to set up her house to accommodate us, which I am sure took some time, but it took me at least three hours to make the soup and then the cleanup. What makes these events great is that everyone does their part and the whole is great. I am encouraged with how everyone volunteers. We had our Holiday House Tour in December where we went through five homes and had a luncheon too. We made about $3000 which will be used for scholarships for local students who are going to college.


Gill - UK said...

I checked out the recipe - I'm not surprised it took so long to make - but it sounds delicious

alexis said...

wow! that is a great service. You do so much for your community aunt B :)

Pulisha said...

That soup sounds awesome. I have been on a big Mexican kick lately, so I will have to try it out!