Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Weekend report

On Saturday Shawn, Stacey and  their two children spent the day at our house.  This was the monthly "work day" that G and Shawn schedule. The project this time was to seal the back door of the shop.  This is a door large enough for a semi truck to drive through.  So Shawn had the opportunity to climb high on the ladder, which he loves doing.  The door had fit so loosely that snow would actually make banks inside the shop.  Well, no more.  While they were working Stacey was trying to finish a Christmas stocking for B. Since the weather was cool and sunny I took both grandchildren for a ride through the woods on my four-wheeler.  Shawn took B later.  He said, "Grandma G drives slow, Daddy drives fast." And he is quite right. I did have both children on with me and I emphasize different things than his dad does.  We stop and listen for birds, talk about how most of the leaves have fallen, find where the deer have eaten corn from the standing corn stalks in the field and look for bones of animals that were near the woods.  K has a little four-wheeler (battery powered) that she rides so she and her dad rode together.  He thought that was neat.

On Sunday, G and I spent several hours cutting wood.  We are prepared for the Winter now.  If the electricity should go out we should be toasty and we can just enjoy the wood burning stove too. Since we do not have a fire place, we got one with a window to see the fire.


Anonymous said...

Oh Grandma G, silly you, taking time to listen to birds and look for deer when instead you could drive REALLY FAST :)

alexis said...

what a lovely visit. I am constantly impressed by how productive you guys are. Most of us count sitting on our booties are our favorite downtime activity.

de-I said...

That is one thing that always saddens me with our kids so far away that these types of regular weekends are just never going to be a part of our life.