Sunday, April 15, 2012

Think like a child

Kyla wore her winter boots when they came over for Easter.  At the end of the day when they were getting ready to leave they were no where to be found.  We looked all over the house (upstairs, basement) and out side too, thinking she had carelessley thrown them somewhere.  After they left I kept looking.  They were foumd in Gerry's closet on the shoe shelf.  Right were they should be if you were being a neat, consciencious child.  I later recalled seeing Bryce wearing them.  I am sure he was the one who put them away.  To give you another example of how organized he is, when he helped me put the silverware in the dishwasher, he lined up all the forks in one row, all the spoons in one row and knives in another.
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adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Kyla was like that as a toddler as well. I remember her making stew with things from the pantry. Lining up the potatoes and other ingredients,putting them all into a bowl and then taking them all out and repeating. Must run in the family!

alexis said...

so sweet!!!