Sunday, October 20, 2013

Choosing our pain

G and I both are complaining of aching bodies.  G was riding his dirt bike on the Hatfield-McCoy trails for the last four days.  He went down a couple times, once when stopped and once in the mud. And bouncing up and down on the dirt trails is hard on your body too.

I spent a couple days shoveling mulch from a trailer on to my flower beds and staining the floor of the deck. That involved being on my knees and getting up and down from the floor many times.  I actually got it finished before the cold weather will arrive.  But my thighs are complaining.  This week I hope to finish the mulch.  There always are more projects to complete before winter arrives.


Gill - UK said...

You don't need to think about exercising at a gym when you put in so much work on maintaining the garden and the house.

alexis said...

people often forget with a large estate/property there is a lot of maintenance.

de-I said...

There's no doubt that as we get older the consequences of an active physical lifestyle increase. A number of years ago I started doing hatha yoga and it has been one of the major things that has enabled me to keep my hiking up to the levels of the past. It is important to work on flexibility to ease the recuperation process as we age.