Thursday, September 21, 2017


The other morning I was sitting on this swing having my morning coffee. The dew from the previous night had covered this spider web.  It made it much more visible.  How intricate and beautiful. I watched as a mosquitoes got caught in the web.  The spider was on it quickly and seemed to paralyze it. It sounds dreadful but that is nature.

Another view.  I so much enjoy nature, as you can tell.

The last photo is someone destroying nature!  It is Hubby trying to get rid of weeds in the ditch in front of our house.  He did such a good job that he even got a few branches on a tree!  As you can see he has a gas can in his hand.  He has his special way of getting the fire going.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

There is no way Dad would be allowed to do what he does in the city. You both embrace country living, in your own way.

alexis said...

lol RM! One of my favorite things on my bike ride to work is if it is sunny, then dew forms on every individual blade of grass. It's so magical as you ride past. I always think of the Cosmos episode where they talk about the universe in a drew drop.