Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The usual preparation for winter

This last week couple of weeks the weather has cooperated so that Gerry and I have been able to do the last minute preparation for winter.  He has put antifreeze in all of the water pipes in the camper.  It was a bit of a project in that he had not done it before and was worried that he would miss one, it would freeze and he would have a burst pipe and another project next spring. Thank goodness for Youtube.

He then winterized all the mowers, the shredder, tillers and who knows what else.  Winterizing them means turning them upside down, scraping off all the accumulated grass and dirt, then washing it with the power washer. He also drained the oil and filled it with new so it is ready to go next spring.

I pushed myself to get the deck and railings stained.  It seems this needs to be done every 2-3 years. I did hire someone to help this year, but it still took several days.

All I need to do yet is plant spring flower bulbs.  But that can be done any time that you can still dig in the ground.


Gill - UK said...

The bulb planting is what we have been doing this afternoon - just about another two hundred bulbs to go - but they will look so pretty in the Spring.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

For some reason I could not see the pictures - maybe slow internet here in Italy. I don't have near as much "winterizing" to do, but it will all await me when we get home the end of November. Glad to see you both have so much energy to get it all done.

alexis said...

I also could not see the pictures. Your winter preparation reminds me how much work it takes to keep a house in repair.

Bernice said...

I think I solved the issue with people not being able to see the pictures. Let me know on comments if you can see them now.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

I could see the pictures today (11/2). The last couple of days in Puglia the internet was down - so that didn't help either.

Gill - UK said...

The pictures are always worth the effort - thank you.