Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Carpet installation is done

In order to have carpet installed in all the bedrooms upstairs (two of which are offices) and the living room and dining room we had to pack all objects except the furniture.  I with some help packed about 70 boxes and carried books from bookshelves that filled six shelves in the basement.  Just like packing to move.  

The blue carpet is an example of the old carpet.

Living room

New carpet.  The pattern does not show well on the picture.

Oh, I should mention that someone had to put hundreds of screws in before the carpet was installed so that the floor would no longer squeak. 


de-I said...

Wow, that was a lot of work.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I can sympathize-I would do a lot of work to end the squeak in my floors.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

A lot of work. But I'm sure it looks wonderful finished.

alexis said...

I am in awe of all the screwing you guys are doing - and at your age!

de-I said...

It is impressive isn't Alexis. It's a role model to all we older folk what a couple can do when driven by a passion.

Gill - UK said...

Now you need a party to celebrate your creak-free floors and new carpets.