Thursday, August 23, 2018

Back to normal routine

Now that we are back home from Minnesota (Mom's funeral and lots of quality time with family) it is time to "hit the road running".  As an aside, that phrase means "start something and proceed at a fast pace with enthusiasm".  Because of my Mom passing, we had to reschedule the Pig Roast which was to be that week. It involved contacting about 80 people.  It will be in about two weeks from now.  That entails making a new spread sheet of guests who are coming or denied.  We use that to make name tags and to decide who to invite next year.  You don't RSVP and you may not be invited again!!

Yesterday we mowed the lawn which was long enough to bale it for cattle food.  Luckily we don't feel we have to have the best lawn in the neighborhood.

Today I will buy locally grown peaches and make freezer jam and enjoy the rest.  I also need to renew my driver's license.  That involves looking good for the picture (ha) and bringing extra documentation.  We now have to prove who we are, our legal presence in the US, address, and who knows what else. 


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

It takes a certain type of person to know how long grass must be to feed cattle. I suspect many of your readers will not know that detail :)

alexis said...

I wonder if you'll be asked that in order to get your driver's license renewed

Gill - UK said...

In the UK we have to renew driving licenses every three years once we reach 70.
Is it the same in Ohio?

de-I said...

No one will ask you if your grass is long-enough to bail for cattle in the high desert