Saturday, March 30, 2019

Shopping for clothes or not.

I desperately need new clothes and shoes.  I would be embarrassed to acknowledge how many years I have worn the ones I currently have.  So today I went to the mall.  I walked the aisles of many stores.  The current styles are not for me!  Finally I said I would not even look at the price, if I just found something I liked I would buy it.  But still no purchases.   The only thing I found was a beautiful pair of earrings that cost $800.  Even though it was on sale, I did not want to give Gerry a heart attack.  To be truthful I have never had a piece of jewelry that cost that much so am not going to start now.  A $20 pair would be just fine.

I will admit that I had a great dinner at a fine restaurant, including wine and a decadent dessert.

Gelato  with caramel, ganache , and something else crunchy.  

 My next post will tell the story of why Gerry was not with me.  I need a picture for that post.


de-I said...

I have to admit that I have never spent that kind of money on ear rings for me either!

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

The dessert looks wonderful!

Stacey said...

Your granddaughter will take you shopping when you visit us soon. She's really good at being a personal shopper. 😉

Gill - UK said...

It highlights the passing of time when you begin to think how old some of your clothes are.
If they fit, if you still like them and are comfortable wearing them, does it matter how old they are?

alexis said...

who were the crayons on the table for in the picture of the yummy dessert? On the subject of shopping, perhaps a second-hand shop would have more styles from different eras that speak to you more. Actually it could be a good idea to take your granddaughter: if it's been a long time she may have a different perspective for you.