Sunday, July 7, 2019

Wake up call

I have been fascinated by mockingbirds. I don't recall every seeing (or hearing) one when I was growing up in Minnesota.  We have several around our house this year.  It is fun to listen to their repertoire of various other bird's songs. But I  am becoming annoyed.  They sing all day long with a loud, almost screeching  sound. I cannot  sleep with the window open because they start at the break of day.

This morning I walked in one of our great county parks.  The park has both paved and natural paths.  I walked around this lake on the paved path as well as one and a half miles in the woods. The parks are truly a treasure and all are within 30 minutes driving distance from home.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I'm always impressed by people who can identify birds by their song alone.

alexis said...

wow looks so saturated with water or is that how it always looks?

Bernice said...

Alexis, if you blow up the picture it shows it better. The shore has no rocks so it is a bit muddy.

de-I said...

Doves...that's our curse...freaking doves and their noise day and night.