Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Still alive and well

Today we had our 105 gallon hot water heater installed It hooks into our geothermal furnace It took several evenings of work on Gerry's part to get the plumbing right. Previously there were two smaller heaters so he had to redo the plumbing so everything was hooked to the new one. Even after all his work, it took five hours to get in installed. Now we have an used furnace, used air conditioner and two water heaters to dispose of.

I have over-scheduled myself for the next two weeks, but all the activities should be fun. Thursday I leave for Savannah, GA for six days, am home part of one day then leave for MD for Andrew's defense. The day after returning home, I am hosting my book club at my house. Instead of reading a book, in April we each read a favorite poem, which I haven't chosen yet. So life is busy for me.


de-I said...

Busy is good. The hot water tank is for the home heating geothermal right?

Anonymous said...

How handy that when you're so busy you can read just a poem. You ought to have time to read that, right?

Have fun in Savannah. I hope there will be pictures.

alexis said...

You are a busy one! Thanks for finding time to write!