Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fireworks on the 4th

On the 4th of July our next door neighbors had a party, complete with fireworks.  Their sons bought $3,000 worth of fireworks.  One son did a lot of research to learn how to tie them together to have several go off in a row.  It was impressive.  I was more taken by the camp fire.  Some type of powder (sulfur, I think) was thrown on the fire, resulting in a beautiful blue flame.  

I am embarrassed that I have not posted for nearly two months.  During this time we have taken two long trips. The first was to Minnesota where Gerry attended his 50th class reunion.  We also saw family and then flew to San Francisco where we visited son and family.  The second was to Omaha Nebraska for G's cousin reunion.  It was three days long.  We then drove to Minnesota to say hi to my family and especially Mom, who now is in a nursing home.  She seems to have adjusted well to being there.  Is not in any pain, mind is still good. She just cannot walk.  


de-I said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere!

Gill - UK said...

Time flies and the months go by so quickly - its good to read about your adventures.

alexis said...

welcome back! You guys sound like you were busy these last months!