Thursday, February 23, 2017

Two Birds that remind me of Andrew

 A week ago when walking in our woods, I came upon these three Bluebirds.  They were in a tree close to the Bluebird houses that are out there.  There are two of them.  They were made by Andrew.  I quickly went online to read information on when I need to clean them out.  It said by March 15 at the latest.  Since they are too tall for me to reach, I rode the four wheeler out there and stood on it. There are two nails to remove, then take out the old nesting material, followed by a spray of bleach and water.

As usually happens, when I stood there touching the bird houses, tears were running down my cheeks.  I have another memory of Andrew that has to do with birds.  One Christmas Renee Michelle gave him an app for his laptop that had bird calls on it.  He and I went to a county park where we hiked.  He played some of the calls.  The only birds we could get to come to us were Cardinals.  Now when I see a Cardinal or Blue Bird, I think of him.  That brings a smile to me.


adventures and misadventures abroad said...

That is so sweet! I did not know that about Andrew.

alexis said...

our time on earth is finite, but we live on longer than that in the memories our loved ones have of us.

Gill - UK said...

It's good to see that they are ready for this years brood - thank you B.