I found it difficult to describe my symptoms to my doctor so it might not make sense here either. For about six months I would occasionally have this episode where I would be looking at normal things like the hall way in my house, my bed, or what ever. It would look different, extremely clear and immediately I would feel very nauseous. Never vomited. I would also feel fear for no reason. This would happen twice a day then not for three weeks. I felt silly even going to my Nurse Practitioner about it. After having my esophagus and stomach checked she referred me to a Neurologist, who ordered an MRI and EEG. The MRI came back negative and the EEG showed what she described as sharp waves. She said it probable is a mini seizure. This can manifest itself as a sharp smell, movement of your figures and many other things, like me seeing something extremely clear. Really weird, I know.
I have been prescribed a very low dosage of anti seizure medication. So it is not anything serious, just annoying. I am happy to have it checked out and know it is not serious, but should just be addressed because it could cause some problems after years if let alone.
Thank you to those who voiced concern.
My daughter and son gave me money for my Christmas gift to buy some trees. The nursery sends them when it is time to plant them. They arrived last week and we had a couple of days of snow after they arrived so I stored them in the wood room in the basement. But the weather improved and hubby helped plant them. Each is one branch with a stake to keep it upright. They are flowering Bradford Pear (non edible) but are beautiful in three seasons.