Thursday, August 11, 2011

Life is crazy right now

Life has been crazy here. Since the trip to Minnesota, we took a whirlwind motorcycle trip with 13 other people on a four day drive in Ontario, Canada. Since my laptop (only computer I now have) is in the basement sitting on a stack of plastic tubs (the only connection to the internet is there and the wireless router bit the dust) it is a bit hard to use. In a week or two we will have it up and running in a more convenient way. This week is preparations for the pig roast. We have about 80 people who have said they are coming at this point. This may sound like I am frazzled, but I feel like things are under control.


alexis said...

Some day - we shall make it to one of the pig roasts. Sorry to hear about your computer woes. Hopefully those will be sorted soon.

Gill - UK said...

Hope you'll have some photos to post of the Ontario trip when your computer gets a better place for you to work from.