Friday, September 16, 2011

Hard at work

My goal today was to finish stripping the old stain from the deck. The weather is cooperating for the next two days to stain. But, alas, UPS damaged one box of supplies (the stripper) and it was sent back to the supplier so I could not do what I planned. Here is a picture of me working on it last week. If you are sick of me talking about this project - I am ready to be finished too.

The pictures give an idea of the before and after. So there is hope.


Gill - UK said...

Trust the delivery firm to throw a spanner in the works.

alexis said...

LOL! Ah but think how great the deck will look when it's done!

Gloria said...

Can you come do our deck when you are finished? I'll pay for your plane ticket!

de-I said...

I'm sure glad you like doing all this stuff because I sure don't.