Sunday, July 22, 2012

While G is gone, I work

G is at the Vintage Motorcycle Weekend at a local racetrack.  The guys bring tents and campers and hangout together for three days.  Since we had two inches of rain (desperately  needed) I spend the last two days weeding. I am able to pull out the 1-2 foot weeds (I am embarassed to say) with relative ease.  The garden and yard is looking better.  Friday night I treated myself to the band concert at a local town.  They have a gazebo in center of town and everyone brings a lawn chair or blanket.  Today I am attending a program where Ian Adams is the speaker. He is a well known photographer of Ohio parks and nature.  Hopefully I will get inspired to take more pictures.  This has been on the back burner for some time now.


alexis said...

you have been doing so many other things, I wouldn't feel too badly that you don't have time for everything!

de-I said...

Attend concert...listen to lecturer...are these things work?