Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Day 3 of 365 - Empty Inbox

I think this speaks for itself.  What will I do with my time today?  What an interesting dilemma.  If you know G and me, we always have more projects than we have time for in our life.

An example of a project for G:  He has a waste oil furnace in the shop which is not working and needs to be for a big project that will be worked on in a month.  He has worked on it for a week, taking it completely apart to find the problem.  He has more persistence that anyone I know.  A future posting will be a before and after picture of the upcoming project.


Gill - UK said...

What a happy state - to be on top of all that comes into your inbox.

alexis said...

and you've managed to have a coffee in the process too!