Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Repairing freezer ourselves

The other day I decided to defrost our freezer. Since we first purchased it several years ago it has always accumulated thick layers of frost on the coils.  I have had to defrost it every 4 months.  We had the repair man out two times when we first got it, but to no avail. So Gerry decided to do something about it.  We completely emptied it and re-caulked the seal.  It involved taking the door off and apart.

While the caulking dried Gerry managed to pack all the contents into the freezer part of a refrigerator.

The next day it all went back in the big freezer.  I am happy to report that the problem has been resolved.  It only took about six hours of work!


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I come by my DIY genes honestly :)

alexis said...

It is nice when we can repair our own devices. A smart phone would probably be too much for me to even attempt to fix!

Gill - UK said...

Well done Gerry - frosted-up freezers are such a pain to defrost.