Friday, April 13, 2018

23 of 365 Does it give me joy?

I am sure I have posted in the past about editing my "stuff" using the KonKari method.  She suggests putting everything  you own of one type of item in a pile on the floor, or in this case on the table.  I decided to look at what I had in my liquor cabinet.  In my house it on the floor of a pantry.  With the KonMari method you are to pick up each item and ask if it brings you joy.  If yes, keep it.  If no, throw, sell or donate.  Well, I think you can see where this is going with the liquor.  I pick up a bottle of wine, vodka, etc. and ask if it gives me joy.   That is a stupid question if you ask me. I did empty a partial bottle of Marsala that had been open far too long. 

I do not drink a lot so it looks like I have pretty much a lifetime supply.  After inventorying each bottle I put them on a shelf in the basement. 

I know, this inventory is pitiable when one looks at the wine cellar of de-I. 


adventures and misadventures abroad said...

We probably need to do the same thing. I am sure some of the bottles in our liquor cabinet are way too old.

alexis said...

LOL! I laughed so hard at this post. Does this give me joy? I think this is a stupid question. LOL.

Gill - UK said...

It's a ready-made party

de-I said...

There are a few of ours that are too old or were gifts that were of funky stuff we'd never try. As long as you would use enjoy them and they won't go bad, keep them.