Sunday, April 15, 2018

24 of 365 Shall I call 911?

RM always says that when she goes up on a ladder she needs someone there to hold the latter or to call 911.  That was my responsibility in this case.  Fortunately all I had to do was to take pictures.

This man has a loft  where he keeps motorcycles. To get them up or down he puts a small lift on the big car lift and puts the bike on that to raise and lower it.  A video would have shown the procedure better than the pictures.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

It's a clever storage system. It just seems like he ought to be wearing climbing ropes.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

I agree RM - looks pretty scary from the camera angle.

alexis said...

I think I need to see a video to understand!

Gill - UK said...

Another ingenious solution

de-I said...

Yes RM, I am sure he is breaking numerous OSHA laws each time he does this.