Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Happy in my woods

After reading the blog of Alexis .... I noticed in the pictures, the clothing of choice is usually a raincoat.   That also seems to be true here.  For his last few days it grey and dreary when I wake and look out the window.   One of the things I do to raise my spirits is to walk in my woods. The colors may be drab, but the shapes of the trees, fallen logs,  and the texture of the half frozen ground just makes me happy.  Sometimes I try to take pictures, but it in no way conveys what I experience.

My latest challenge is to note "landmarks" to find my way back home. Examples are fallen trees with all the roots exposed, logs laid out for a vehicle to get across a wet area, branches of a certain shape and even a small deer stand  left there by a hunter.  I do not worry about getting lost as the woods is only 20 acres, so if I walked to the edge, there would be an open field.

I call the woods mine because G does not go out there.  There are no paths to ride motorcycles.


de-I said...

I have always found trees to be the most interesting and evocative of physical beauty. I frequently try to take pictures of them when in the photographic mood but never seem to be able to catch on camera what I see with my eye.

alexis said...

I love to hear these anecodotes of your evolving relationship with the nature around your house. We live in a place with little nature - except the rain which as you noted, is inescapable in the winter.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I have gotten lost in your woods in the winter and can confirm that if you just keep walking, you will eventually find a road. But at the end it may be dark and you may be cold.