Saturday, February 8, 2020

Red Car

On my blog post of January 17, I sort of made fun of a friend who just goes into the car dealership, points at a red car, and says "I want that one".  Here is the red car we just bought.  But for us it was after a few weeks of research, etc.
It is 2020 Mazda CX-5.  Gerry would have you know it has a turbo, all wheel drive and 2000# towing capacity.  For me, it has so much computer stuff in it, that I say we are driving a computer.  But I will be able to find my car in the parking lot.

Last night we went to our favorite place to see a movie.   Lorain County Community College.  According to their site, "LCCC's film Series screens the world's finest art, independent, classic and foreign films..."  We have never seen a film there that we didn't love.  We saw the classic, "The Bridges of Madison County".


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Yay! You finally have a new car.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Second what RM said.

de-I said...

I will go WAY beyond that. A NEW FREAKING CAR! Where did the aliens take my real brother-in-law? He will have to live at least two more complete lifetimes and will it to each to justify this expense.

alexis said...

wow, a totally new car is sort of a jaw dropper!