Thursday, December 30, 2010


I am on a serious "editing" kick now. But editing of things in your life has many different looks. This is a trailer of tires we found in our woods. G suggested just leaving them there, but that made me cringe. So he spent several hours loading them with the front end loader of the tractor. Yesterday I took them to our local waste management site. As you may know, one must pay to dispose of tires but this only cost $85 so I was very happy. There were 40 tires on the trailer. We a have few left that are still on the rims (they would not take those) so must find a solution to disposing of them. But what a start.

On a lighter scale , I have spent an hour a day editing one drawer of the filing cabinet. A picture of that is not so dramatic.


alexis said...

editing, lol! I like the concept - a good thing to plan for 2011.

Gill - UK said...

So many tyres - I never noticed even one when we walked through your woods -but the woods are much better off without them.

de-I said...

Just as long as you don't decide to start "editing" family members !!!