Saturday, December 4, 2010

First Holiday dinner a success

Dinner for 14! That was last night. It was a simple meal: pork tenderloin, roasted root vegetables, a salad of romaine with pears and pecans and for dessert a purchased chocolate lava cake with ice cream. I had to push myself a bit because I had a cold all week, but everyone seemed to have a great time. Next Friday I have another dinner for 12. I am using the same menu.

Tonight I plan to paint two walls in the basement. We had moved all the shelves to the center of the basement to put insulation and dry wall on the walls. So, since a new furnace will be installed in a week, the walls need to be finished and the shelves moved back. For those who have seen our basement, you understand the magnitude of this project. But a deadline is great to get things finished. I would post pictures but it would be too embarrassing.


Gill - UK said...

That's a very energetic schedule - perhaps you'll get a rest over Christmas.
(The meal sounded perfect)

alexis said...

as usual I am awed by the scope of your projects!

Anonymous said...

I like your idea of recycling dinner party menus. If you kept track of who was there and didn't repeat too much, you could even use the same menu next year!

Michael Podolny said...

Magnitude is not quite grand enough for just how big a project this is.