Friday, June 17, 2011


This week I bought 16 quarts of strawberries at a bargain price of $2 a quart. I bought them from one of my Amish neighbors who lives less that 2 miles from my house. I have made two pies (one for another neighbor who feeds our cat when we are gone), froze about three gallons of berries and made 10 jars of frozen jam. I have about 3 quarts left to deal with. I am running out of ideas. Do you think I bought too much?

Today I spent most of the day at a city wide garage sale. I spent less that $20 and came home with an electric pasta maker (new price on the box was $200 ) two DVDs, a bulldozer type toy for grandson to play in the sand, a bike helmet for him when he rides the four-wheeler at our house and two origami kits for children.


Gill - UK said...

I have thirty-one strawberry plants in a raised bed - produced from the six strawberry plants I bought last year from a garden centre. When we got back from the States, the UK weather had kept them watered and we were able to eat our first strawberries for this year. There is a long way to go before the plants produce a quart of strawberries but it's nice to have just enough to eat with ice cream.

alexis said...

good lord, that is a lot of strawberries! Um... are there strawberry alcohols you can infuse?

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