Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Found: cash and candy

You hear stories of little old ladies who die and their family find money and valuables hidden in their house. Well, dear son and daughter, you may have your work cut out for you. Yesterday and today while taking out summer clothes and putting the cold weather clothes away, I found an envelope with cash and a box of chocolate covered cherries that I bought as a Christmas gift for Gerry in my sock drawer. (I have a reputation for remembering a gift that I have hidden and forgotten to wrap when we are opening our gifts at Christmas.) The reason this project has taken two days is that I make a decision on each item. If it was not worn the past season, maybe it should go to the thrift store. And everything must fit. No keeping something with the thought that I will loose a few pounds and it will again fit. If I loose the few pounds, I will just buy new if I need it.

Readers: are there things you have hidden, forgotten and then found later?


de-I said...

Well there's my mind...which seems to be hidden, lost, but sadly not found again :(

alexis said...

oh goodness, pretty much all the time I will put something away and completely forget where that "away" was. I now try to be quite aware of when I am setting things down so that I can try to find them again.