Saturday, May 28, 2011

Princess in family

Yesterday I went to a few garage sales. Since I too am on a serious editing mode, I am careful about what I buy. I found a purple velvet "princess" dress for my granddaughter since she has outgrown the two I previously bought. Not only outgrown, but also worn out since she puts them over her clothes many times when visiting.

Later in the day I spent three hours at the wholesale produce auction which is held three times a week four miles from my house. For forty dollars I brought home eight perennials and a few parsley plants. I cannot put them where I want the perennial garden to be since I need to plant background shrubs first. So my vegetable garden has become the perennial nursery. I already have several planted there waiting for the right spot in the perennial gardens.

In case you have noticed a lack of photos recently it is because my desktop computer is dead. My computer person, (son) was able to save the contents from the hard drive but the rest is toast. We are now getting an external hard drive for the pictures and just use my laptop. I have done a good job putting all my pictures on CDs or DVDs so would have had them if they would have been toast too.


alexis said...

oh no, that sucks about the computer! Well done on having everything backed up - I know I need to get on that for real...

de-I said...

Ooo bad, bad, bad about the computer. Not fun ever.

No girl child of my acquaintance has ever not appreciated the princess dress.