Friday, May 6, 2011

Today I had three projects to complete. The first was tire related. Yesterday G drove over a rock/piece of concrete which cut the sidewall on his tire. Guess what? He found a tire of the same size in his stash. My job was to take it in to be mounted. They said it was 10 years old, but in good enough condition to mount and use. He left me with very little gas so I put a small gas can in the car, but made it to the gas station where I put in over 19 gallons.

Secondly I spent an hour at the County Recorder's office. The buzz around here is everyone being approached by a company to sign an oil and gas lease. The is happening in New York, PA, and Ohio. We have attended some seminars to learn about our rights. The first is to find if there is an old lease on your property. The company which is coming into our area can buy it without even telling you. So you must void it. I found one from 1980 but I think it has expired. Next we have to decide how much we want to get involved. I won't go into details but it is complicated and not a big get rich proposition. One can make some money, but your property could be messed up.

Thirdly, I mowed for the second time. It has rained for 8 out of every 10 days for about two months. So the lawn is really long and muddy. Gardening and farming is out of the question at this time But I am being optimistic and making a landscaping plan for the year.


alexis said...

Interesting a friend in NY also reported on a lot of rain this spring. Here in the Netherlands, if you can believe it at all, we are bordering on a drought! When the NL runs out of water, you know we all need to worry.

I love your projects which open your community and environment to you. I like the idea of a worldly perspective applied to a local community. :)

PS - looking forward to seeing you all in a month!

de-I said...

On the other hand in Carlsbad NM where I am today they haven't had rain for 7 months!