Friday, May 27, 2011

Guests head north and a dinner for me

Yesterday Andrew and his parents set off for Toronto to visit relatives. BUT not until a new rental car was delivered and the old one taken away. Seems the trip needed another event in it. Andrew noticed the tire was loosing air. Upon inspection he saw a bulge in the sidewall. They asked if he could drive it and he declined. So a tow truck was sent out. I was able to visit with them an additional three hours and they help with the left over food we had accumulated.

I spent the evening at a dinner with my AAUW friends. It really does take time to get to know people. This group is very welcoming and friendly. Part of our program was meeting the three "nontraditional" students who received scholarships from the organization. These were three women whose ages ranged from 35 to 50 and have returned to college. A couple also are single parents, work full time and still are involved in volunteering in the community. Hopefully our scholarships encourage them.

1 comment:

alexis said...

goodness, it is a good thing everyone in your family is so calm and capable in the face of unexpected adversity!