Monday, August 29, 2011

Mowing and corn

Yesterday G spent the whole day being a farmer (at least the part that a farmer has to spend a lot of time repairing equipment). He has an old Ferguson tractor with a sickle mower. Both are quite elderly. He spent many hours on the mower then did some mowing on our geothermal bed and the ditches by the road.

I spent the first few hours with a half day flu, but recovered nicely. I then picked and froze about five dozen ears of corn. I may have mentioned that the man who farms our few acres, plants sweet corn for us. Well, it gets ripe all at once so in a weeks time I must harvest and freeze the corn. I am not complaining because it is a wonderful treat.


Gill - UK said...

What's a sickle mower? It would be good to see a photo. I remember the taste of corn that was grown in your garden and picked just before it was cooked.

de-I said...

Mowing lawns. Haven't mowed a fact haven't had grass since 2000. Can't say that I miss it.

alexis said...

oh aunt bernice, you know how to torture me! Sweet corn on the cob is one of those things you cannot get here for less than an arm and a leg and certainly not for the quality you do in the US.

Anonymous said...

Have been enjoying the sweet corn this year from the farmer's market..can't grow it here..too many wild animals that like it.
Sickle mower- a long bar with blades like you have seen on some hedge trimmers that look like triangular teeth, they move back and forth to cut the grass blades. The bar lays out to the side of the tractor while mowing. B.