Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nature in many forms

Yesterday I went out to my garden where I found an iris in bloom.  It is not the season for them to be blooming so I was thrilled.  As you can see I have tilled most of the garden already.

Irises are my favorite flower, so this was a wonderful gift.

Looks like there is something interesting in the weeds. When Ada gets to walk in our fields and woods she is in heaven. We do walk on the road for at least 30 min twice a day for real exercise.

This is her favorite place to be.  There are so many wonderful smells.  But the smells win out over our calls for her to come back.  We have to bring her back with the leash.

1 comment:

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Wow, those are terrific photos! Is the bird okay?

Ada sure looks like she's having a good time - your 40 acres are pretty much dog heaven.