Friday, August 7, 2015

Dumpster Diving at MidOhio

We had guests over for dinner and asked them what they thought this was.  One guessed "a giant Lego set".  I think it looks like some huge Praying Mantis have invaded.  Anyone who knows Gerry, is not surprised to see unusual things on our property  He attended a big motorcycle show at MidOhio, which is a race track.  They have races and a lot of vendors.  At the end of the show (when it had been quite windy) he saw these awning frames in the trash. Two had canvas tops, the others did not.  One was missing a leg, others had broken parts.  He plans to make three that are functional out of these.  He has an old tent that he wants me to use for making a top for one.  The projects continue.  

Here are a couple of pictures of things he saw at the event.

This is a little trailer he built the day before he left.  There is a huge swap meet, which is a long walk from where the car is.  So he built a trailer that he could use to bring his "finds" back to the car. Also he rides the bike around instead of walking.

 It was rainy and camper were stuck and had to be pulled out with a tractor.  I must say I am happy to have stayed at home!


alexis said...

now all you need are circus performers to go with your big three top tents!

de-I said...

What ever happened to the 'getting rid of things' project? Seems like he's going in the other direction.