Sunday, April 21, 2019


We attended a play that K was in.  It was a shortened version of Spamalot.  What fun.  She was in a "chorus line".  I have never seen the Monty Python's Spamalot but will now.  We saw it twice which was good as I understood a lot more the second time.  As an aside, when we visited the SPAM museum in Austin, MN they had  this play running on a TV.  Ha.

B is up before any of us in the morning.  It us fun listening to him talk with the other players in the game.  It sounds like he is coach.  "Go, go, get the purple one, Good job"  

When I visit here, I am aware of how much I miss with us being so far away from each other.
I am so happy that I can be here now.


alexis said...

It is hard to be away from family!!

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

We have raised out children to be adventuresome - which can bite us in the neck as we then see so less of them. But also make us appreciate them so much more when we can see them.

de-I said...

Yes, so very hard...but would not want our children to have been any less ambitious or adventerous

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I agree with all these comments. And since I stay in DC and don't move to California or Ohio, I guess I'm just as much to blame...

Gill - UK said...

I've never seen Monty Python's Spamalot - I'll have to be searching YouTube to know what I've missed. I'm sure K had lots of fun taking part in the show.