Thursday, January 23, 2020

Dogs, etc

Yesterday I went with Gerry to the "FRINGE" group he attends. A friend of ours came with her husband and their three greyhound dogs. She told about her dogs histories and how she communicates with them.  Another woman told of seeing a UFO including a picture she drew immediately after she saw it. These are examples of the topics that are shared.  The only requirement for attending the group is to have an open mind. Just listen to others, don't judge  but you don't need to believe what others believe.

On another topic, Gerry has received a CPAP machine.  He has slept with it one night.  It is amazing how it reads so much information about your breathing,  records it on the machine, then sends it out to where is monitored constantly.  I am just beginning to understand how it all works.


de-I said...

More explanation please. What is a CPAP machine?

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

I had to look it up - Hope it helps Gerry sleep better!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Man, I hope the CPAP works for him. I shared a room with someone who used one. It was a bit noisy, but a steady nose that you could get used to.

alexis said...

Fringe sounds fascinating!!!