Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Stacey

The countdown is in progress. One week from today I will be loading the car with table linens, china, wine and champagne glasses, candle holders, containers to make floral centerpieces, etc, etc. Hope I leave enough room for Hubby and myself.

Last night G and I loaded a trailer with two filing cabinets, the electric organ and three large mirrors that were in the garage. I am taking them to Goodwill. They are happy to have them and I certainly am happy to give them. This gives us a neater area in the garage for the wedding reception. I plan to serve the food from there and it would be a shelter if additional shade is needed.

Yesterday, Shawn had a surprise birthday party for Stacey. He put it together in one week and it was was wonderful. Two neighbor women helped by asking Stacey to go shopping with them. When she returned we all were there. He had us park on another street so she did not even see the cars. She was surprised. Since this was her 31st birthday, it was not even one of the years that you would expect a big party. Since most of their friends are at the same stage of live as they are i.e. kids, there were a lot of children there, probably a dozen between 5 weeks old and 9 years. Of course they have a lot of things for children to play with so it was great for them.


Michael Podolny said...


alexis said...

happy b-day stac!!!

What a giant cake - looks like a sheet of sidewalk, ready to feed the hoards of children!

stef said...

Happy Birthday stacy! Looks like a very fun time. Surprises are the best. :)