Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Entertaining again

This Saturday we have invited 8 people over for dinner. Gerry is going to try cooking a turkey in oil again. I say " try" because when he made his first one, it was quite overcooked. Fortunately it was only family here. I just realized this means I need to clean the house and plan a menu for the rest of the meal. I also told everyone to come at 4 for appetizers with dinner at 5. So I need appetizers too.

Now I need to go outside and retrieve the mailbox which is in the ditch, thanks to the snow plow.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the turkey! The good news is that it can only be better than the last one.

Gloria said...

Have fun with the dinner party! We never have snowplows on our street in Albuquerque -so now problems with mailboxes being destroyed. Were you able to put it together again? I'm in snowy Chicago - John & Miss Dukes have shoveled at least twice and a neighbor went through with a snow blower. I've had my fill of snow!

alexis said...

ooo yes,I would like to hear how it goes!!

Stef said...

May I assume that your DH made a contraption with which to cook said turkey?

de-I said...

A picture of said contraption for turkey frying would be nice.