As you may know the Emerald Ash Bore is causing the death of Ash trees across the US. There is an estimate that 7.5 billion trees will die. Just in our small woods, we will be cutting up a lot of the dead trees. Here is the first, which fell across the path.
G uses an electric chain saw to cut the branches. He has a generator (which is out of the picture) and an extension cord.
The small branches are piled up as a habitat for animals.
I then load the wood.
G made a ramp to slide the wood down so he wouldn't have to carry armloads down. His mantra is " Never do anything yourself if you can make a 'machine" to do it for you."
The wood is stacked in our basement where it can dry and be enjoyed in our wood burning stove this Winter.
Boy I'd love having all that wood for grilling purposes. Not sure I'd ever do that much work to get it though :(
Looks like a lot of work. Only dozens more trees to go, right?
that is such a shame about the trees! Bad enough we humans destroy so many of them without nature clearing through as well.
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