Thursday, May 24, 2012

Moral dilemma

I have a small garden for vegetables.  There is a "rabbit fence" around it.  A rabbit fence has smaller openings on the bottom so the rabbits cannot get through.  The other day I noticed a rabbit inside the fence and saw a hole in the gate.  I put something in front of it to keep the rabbit out.  Yesterday I was weeding (weeds were quite tall) and noticed that something had come under the fence, so decided that needed repairing.  But as I was weeding I came upon two, not one but two, nests of baby rabbits.  These were inside the fence meant to keep them out.  I know if I would move the nest the babies would die.  So I now am providing great food for the whole family:  lettuce, peas, beans, etc.  My dilemma was should I choose the rabbits or the vegetables in the garden.  Guess it will be the rabbits.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Oh dear! Is there any way to build a new fence that segregates the baby rabbits, and then make a hole in the old fence, so that they get out?

Anonymous said...

But then what would the baby rabbits eat? :-)

alexis said...

surely there is something else for the baby rabbits to eat? Or you could feed them!

de-I said...

Or you could raise the rabbits and eat them. Rabbit is very good.

Gill - UK said...

Well done Bernice - you made the right choice and you can make the fencing rabbit proof once the babies are older. It seems like a wonderful opportunity for blog photos.

Pulisha said...

I have to agree with De-I. I am really only a fan of rabbits when they are stewed. These rabbits were very lucky in their choice of gardens to next in! :)