Saturday, January 18, 2014

Walking at 10 degrees in Ohio

When Ada I took our walk this morning, we both were very happy.  She is sure that there are critters in every bunch of tall grass.  The snow and 10 degree temperature did not slow her down.

As we were walking, a young Amish man came by on the road with a horse on a cart.  It appeared that he was training the horse.  Whenever a horse comes past us, Ada has been trained to sit and wait for a treat.  At first she would bark and pull hard on the leash.  Now when she hears the clop, clop, she just sits and waits.  The horse was quite spooked by Ada, but with her sitting calmly it was not a big incident. I was very proud of her. 

I was able to get pictures of what I see when walking her.  There is no picture of me, but I did have on my warmest winter coat, scarf, and gloves (as well as long underwear).  


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I'm glad you're enjoying your walks.

alexis said...

that is cold, cold cold. I missed your new year post - happy new year! Sorry we'll miss the reunion this year on our side.

Gill - UK said...

Good to see Ada is well wrapped up too.

Gill - UK said...

Good to see Ada is well wrapped up too.

de-I said...

I do not envy you the cold weather