Friday, January 29, 2016

What I learned

From my last post, I was asked what I learned about myself from taking the class on writing my autobiography.  What I learned was that for most of my life, I have not made "purposeful" decisions. I just sort of slide into things, maybe do what is expected without thinking about it, or do things because the opportunity is there.  That does not mean I have been unhappy about my life, but I think I may have been happier if I would be more aware of what I want and am passionate about and then be decisive about making it happen. So being aware of that, I now can make changes.

I just finished reading Then Comes Marriage  by Roberta Kaplan.  What a great book.  Roberta is the attorney who took the case to the Supreme Court that brought down DOMA.  Besides the legal explainations, it tells the personal story of both Roberta and the Edie  Windsor who brought the case. What an effort they made in time and energy to make this happen.


alexis said...

wow! That's a powerful observation Aunt B! I think that is how life usually happens. Most of us don't have clarity on our passions. Or we don't feel passion about something worth forming your life around.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

It looks like writing your life story is a good project.