Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Our day

Today was a busy day for Gerry and me.   After exercise class I picked him up from the dentist where he had a root canal.  All is going well with that.  Then we attended the autobiography class, follow by a quick lunch, and then a movie.

We don't go very many movies, but today saw "The Green Book"  Sure was a reminder what life was like in the South in the 1960s for African-Americans.  Back then it was called the " The Negro Motorist Green-Book" .  We had never heard of the Green Book. It was a book which listed accommodations, restaurants  and businesses that were safe to go to for African-American when traveling in the US.  It does have it critics who say it missed an opportunity to tell it as it really was but we enjoyed it.


de-I said...

The critics were of the movie or of the original book?

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

You guys pack a lot in your days!

I haven't seen the movie, but have read the reviews. It sounds like it was a little story from a white protective, but I can see why critics (of the film; not the Green Book) would be upset: it shouldn't be okay today to make a "Magical Negro" movie.

Gill - UK said...

Sympathy for you Gerry, having to visit the dentist.

alexis said...

I haven't seen the movie but I think just the making of the movie has caused a lot of media attention on this very poignant example of how far we still have to go and how far we have already come.