Saturday, February 9, 2019

Telling my story

I have again joined Gerry in the autobiography class he is currently taking.  These are two hour classes once a week for ten weeks.  I am not as passionate or dedicated as he is.  He has been writing for a couple years now and attended many sessions and has written literally  hundreds of pages.

For our first class we were to write about a "branching point" in our life.  That is something that happened that caused you to go a different direction. There are no  parameters other than that.
I actually spoke of a tree and its branches.  The tree trunk was when I met Gerry.  The branches were various things he introduced me to or that happened because I had married him.

After telling how we met, the branches were 1) How folk music was part of our life when we first met and how it still is.  We have heard Arlo Guthrie several times. 2) Motorcycles. That is not surprise of course. Told of trips including one were it rained 5 inches that night  3) The many places we have lived. 

The snow has melted here and it was only in the 20s today so I was able to walk and sit in my woods today.  No pictures as it looks quite gray and bleak. 


de-I said...

It is funny that even though I love to write and am a serious history buff, I have had not desire to go the autobiography route.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I'm so glad you enjoy your woods even in below-freezing weather!

Gill - UK said...

Will these autobiographies be available to read when they are complete?
There can be beauty in bleak landscapes.

alexis said...

so what do you like about the writing courses ?