Monday, February 25, 2019

Weather update

Yesterday we had wind gusts up to 65 mph.  We could hear noise on the south side of the house at night.  This was the cause of the banging noise.  It could have been much worse.  Now the challenge is to keep Gerry off the ladder until the wind dies down.

But I will not complain at all.  Southern Minnesota where many of our brothers and sisters live people were not even allowed on the roads due to the terrible conditions. The Governor declared a state of emergency.  There were reports of snow banks six feet tall.  But their  worst problem was the high winds. And people who were out on the roads against all advice not to. 


adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Glad I'm not in Minnesota now! Today is sunny, high of 59 so most of our snow is gone.

alexis said...

see that is a real emergency.

de-I said...

And how did your plan to keep him off the ladder work?

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Yikes, that's a big bald patch!

Gill - UK said...

I know Gerry will want to carry out that repair, but can't you persuade him to employ someone - it seems so high up from the ground.