Thursday, November 20, 2008


We are on our second day without cable TV. Something happened at Time Warner and the TV signal is not working. We have high speed internet with them and that works fine. I called the company and got a recording that it is wide spread and they are working on it.

I have read that it takes 30 days to change a habit, so I can only hope that it is not up and running for 30 days. Obvious we do not have the will on our own to not watch for 30 days.

How will DH and I spend our time? It will be an interesting experiment. Last night we sat and talked in detail about his projects at work. How would you spend your time with no TV?


Anonymous said...

Well, you know this isn't a hypothetical question for me. I read a lot, cook nice dinners, and call my parents often :)

Gill - UK said...

Radio - much more entertaining than TV. I'd certainly get rid of the TV before I parted with the radio. In the UK you can listen to the radio on the computer, choosing the time you want to hear the broadcast so you don't need to miss any episodes of wonderful programmes like the Archers!!

Anonymous said...

Read! There are a lot of good books out there. With the construction starting at 7AM I am getting up much earlier every morning. By Friday night all I can do is veg in front of the TV. I can't wait for the weekend and some peace and quiet!

stef said...

If you have children this is not an issue.

Michael Podolny said...

Read and listen to classical music - what I essentially do on airplanes.

alexis said...

LOL - I waste time online instead!