Monday, January 24, 2011

Computer savvy - not!

Sometimes I think I know just enough about computers to be dangerous. At least enough to be very frustrated at times. Daughter helped me start an photo book for my mother for a Christmas gift. Today I spent several hours finishing it. If you were in my house you would have heard a few screeches of frustration. But I did it. The hardest part was uploading the pictures from the computer to Snapfish.

A quick report on hubby. He has returned from his two week trip to China. The jet lag is giving him fits. At 10:30 at night he is just starting to go strong and I want to go to sleep. I will ask him to give a report that I can post on the blog.


Gill - UK said...

A good idea for a Christmas present -we don't have Snapfish - I wouldn't know where to start.
It sounds cruel but Gerry could always adjust from jet lag by clearing the snow!

de-I said...

I suspect that husband has few pictures and lots of machine tools from China :)

alexis said...

can't wait to hear about China! that time dif from the US must be killer.